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Introducing the AnalogGrant Program

The Analog Grant Program is designed to support promising projects and community members with the objective of growing the Analog ecosystem. It rewards up to 50,000 USD (in either stablecoins or Analog tokens) in funding – with more available for exceptional cases.


There are three types of grants available: application, infrastructure and community grants.

Application Grants

These are given to builders who connect existing smart contracts and/or runtimes on different chains through Analog, or those who use significant parts of their application code and infrastructure to query data through Analog Watch.

Infrastructure Grants

These are given to builders who build infrastructure for the Analog ecosystem, which can include, but are not limited to, block explorers, smart contracting systems, new connector integrations, validator maintenance tools, etc.

Community Grants

These are given to members who contribute meaningfully to the Analog community and evangelize Analog’s technology by throwinghackathons, events, marketing endeavors, etc.


The Grant amount determining

About Program

The specific grant amount awarded depends on the particular scope and merits of the project. All grants are milestone-based and can have multiple milestones per grant. Some funding can be provided before the start of the project depending on the nature of said project (for human resource purposes or for hosting events, for example), but most would be allocated after milestones are completed. Each milestone carries different weights depending on the nature of said milestone.


The grant application and selection process

All applications will be reviewed by a panel of three members representing the Business Development, Engineering, and Research departments selected from the Analog team. The grant application and selection process is as follows:


First, send in an application by filling out this form.


For applications requesting 10,000 USD or more, there will be a follow-up conference call to work out about the details of the grant. Applications requesting under 10,000 USD may not require a follow-up call.


If the grant application passes the review stage and is accepted, Analog will send a grant offer along with the relevant milestones and completion criteria. Once the terms are agreed upon and finalized, the agreement is signed by both parties.


First, send in an application by filling out this form.


For applications requesting 10,000 USD or more, there will be a follow-up conference call to work out about the details of the grant. Applications requesting under 10,000 USD may not require a follow-up call.


If the grant application passes the review stage and is accepted, Analog will send a grant offer along with the relevant milestones and completion criteria. Once the terms are agreed upon and finalized, the agreement is signed by both parties.


Once the milestones are completed by the applicant, the Analog team will evaluate the applicant’s adherence to the grant’s terms and then allocate funding accordingly.


For any questions, please email [email protected]

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