Analog Watch

Aggregated Data Feed

Crowdsource and aggregate data from multiple sources (smart contracts) on connected chains with decentralized validation, maximum reliability, and data quality.

Unlock the Possibilities
Many DeFi protocols often depend on on-chain data to trigger events, particularly token prices and other types of information, such as the total market cap, exchange rates, trading volumes, and the reserve balances of asset-backed coins. A smart contract can leverage these data feeds to execute essential on-chain actions, such as:

Determining a fair market exchange rate for synthetic asset swaps.

Whether or not to liquidate a collateralized loan.

When to rebalance a portfolio that leverages an automated trading strategy.

Despite many DeFi protocols requiring references to on-chain data feeds, providing a solution that is resilient to attacks and manipulation is tricky. With Analog’s Watch SDK, you can leverage views and collections to aggregate on-chain data from multiple smart contracts on connected chains.
Using the Watch SDK to aggregate data feeds from multiple smart contracts instead of relying on one smart contract makes the aggregated data inherently tamper-resistance and more reliable.


Our Use Cases

Unleash your creativity without limits with Analog. Build and deploy your DApp once, and use it everywhere - from Ethereum to Polkadot and beyond.

Cross-chain DEX

Cross-chain DEX

Use Analog GMP to build an out-of-the-box cross-chain DEX capable of facilitating quick token swaps across various chains, providing users with seamless access to a diverse range of tokens.

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Cross-chain Lending Protocol

Cross-chain Lending Protocol

Use Analog GMP to build a cross-chain lending protocol, enabling your users to securely deposit collateral (e.g., ETH) on one chain and borrow another token (e.g., USDC) on another blockchain.

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Cross-chain Yield Aggregator

Cross-chain Yield Aggregator

Use Analog GMP to build cross-chain yield aggregation protocols that enable investors to optimize returns on their assets while eliminating the costs and hassles of daily trading.

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